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To advance our understanding, early detection, treatment and prevention of age-related skeletal diseases such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis through data-driven innovations.

Ageing Research and
Therapy (ART) Laboratory

Research Highlights

Cellular Senescence and Skeletal Aging:

Molecular Mechanism, Drug discovery and Clinical Implications

Precision Medicine for

Skeletal Ageing:

Deep-learning Patient-specific Prediction Model for Knee Osteoarthritis

Data-driven Community-based Bone & Joint Healthcare Revolution





Endothelins are vasoconstricting peptides, which play an essential role in vascular homeostasis (e.g. blood pressure). Hypertension is believed that it has high correlation with Osteoarthritis. This Project studies the effects of Endothelins on articular cartilage from its structures to its applications.

Funded by PROCORE-France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, Research Grants Council 

Endothelins in Health and Disease of Articular Cartilage - From Mechanism Towards Theraputics 

Our Team

MB.BS, M.Med.Sc., Ph.D.

Principal Investigator,
Assistant Professor

Dr. Chunyi Wen

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