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Ageing Research and
Therapy (ART) Laboratory

To advance our understanding, early detection, treatment and prevention of age-related skeletal diseases such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis through data-driven innovations.


Sept 15, 2021 — PolyU develops groundbreaking targeted osteoarthritis pain reliever

Funded by PROCORE-France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme, Research Grants Council 

Endothelins in Health and Disease of Articular Cartilage - From Mechanism Towards Theraputics 


Dr. Chunyi Wen 

MB.BS, M.Med.Sc., Ph.D.

Principal Investigator,

Associate Professor,

Department of Biomedical Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Dr. Wen connects orthopedic surgeons with biomedical engineers to develop a novel artificial intelligence-based precision medicine approach in a unique southern Chinese knee osteoarthritis patients cohort. With a newly established smart ageing hub in PolyU BME, Dr. Wen dreams to extend his work from hospital, clinic setting to the community service.

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